Thursday, December 8, 2011


This is what you do with leftover Gingerbread House icing! Thanks, Uncle Jer!

Gingerbread Houses!

Our last activity of Thanksgiving week was making Gingerbread Houses, we had fun and the kids loved it--maybe the start of another family tradition!


Addie just loved the bowling balls--so cute!!

Ella had a little help!!

Jake really threw the ball down the lane! STRIKE!!

Amber and Jake--Addie had a fascination for the colorful bowling balls!

Addison has no time for pictures!

Thanksgiving week we went to Tavern Bowl with the kids! The pictures say it all!!

Ella's 4th Birthday

Cutest Girl!

Ella's Four!

Ella four years old, Dana young at heart!

Ella's birthday was on Thanksgiving Day this year! We have had the pleasure of having all of Ella's four birthdays at our house. Thanksgiving week is a celebration all week long because we have Ella's birthday on the 24th, Dana's on the 25th and Amber, Ben's anniversary on the 26th and we also have to fit in our Thanksgiving festivities--busy and fun!

Jake's 9th Birthday

I am so behind blogging and feel as if I'm being such a neglectful something or other so here's to a little catching up! Jake is an official 9 year old as of November 7th....I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. I am so grateful to have such a smart, loving and fun grandson, and even more thankful that he loves to spend time with us. We really had such a fun summer together! I just love this boy! Jake and some of his buddies did Laser Tag for his birthday and Amber made him a really awesome cake (sorry no pics.)