Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sooo, I'm In To It!!!

Okay, for the last several seasons I really swore off the Bachelor,  however, I am totally into this season's Bachelorette.  DeAnna has really put some thought into what she looking for in a perspective mate.  She has also made some amazing choices in who to keep.  I am a bit torn about Graham, very HOT to look at, the physical attraction between him and DeAnna was there.....but, his communication skills were beyond horrible.  I think she really heard his Mom when she commented on his past relationships usually lasting only about 4 weeks.  Issues, Issues!  By the way, where the heck does he live anyway?  Jeremy is very good looking, smart, sensitive and is really pulling out all the stops to impress DeAnna.  Jason is kind, considerate, very attentive to her in their  conversations (good listener).  After her visit with his son and family, she has to know they really share the same family values.  A Plus for Jason!  I am getting more and more into Jesse each week.  I don't think he will be DeAnna's final choice but I sure like the guy!!  I think the one on one dates are going to be very interesting!! 

1 comment:

Darla said...

I couldn't agree more. Poor Graham.