Monday, January 11, 2010

Belated Happy New Year!!

Well the New Year is off with a bang, it's all ready the 11th and I haven't blogged in weeks! Our family Holidays were filled with lots of family, good food, and the usual hustle and bustle the Christmas season brings. I personally love it all! A few highlights include Jake spending Christmas week with us and Christmas morning, all of us together at Amber's. The kiddos opening gifts is always an experience, after a few gifts they go into overload!! Watch out you never know what gift is going where with all of the excitement. Christmas night when Dana and I returned to the empty nest (way too quiet) we were talking and laughing about the day and thinking how exciting next year will be when we will have another granddaughter in the mix. Holy cows she may be crawling by then!! We are so looking forward to all the fun and excitement the New Year will be bringing our way. Wishing you all a Happy, Joyous and Prosperous New Year!

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