Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm Home!!

Sad to say but I'm home from vacation. We had a great time, who doesn't in Maui? This time of year the weather is a little cooler and a little less humid and maybe a little more rain but beautiful none the less. Whale watching is just so awesome, they are everywhere in Maui right now. I wish I could take way better pictures but you really need to see it in person, it's so amazing. I'm already planning my next trip over hopefully it will be the whole family, I really want to take Jake, Ella and the new baby girl on our next trip. Now that I'm home time to get taxes ready to go, and help with the planning of Sage's Baby Shower. May seems way off but I have a feeling it will be here before I know it. Crazy to think that at the end of summer I will only be working 2 days a week or maybe not at all!! Just having fun with my adorable grandkiddies!!

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