Monday, September 20, 2010

What Can I Say!!

Seriously have I fallen off the face of the Earth?? No, but I have been a blog slacker. I have a whole summer to blog about and life just couldn't be any busier and I'm loving it! I'll blog soon and update with pictures of all our family summer adventures. What has been consuming me this past week is Journaling...I thought my blog would be a good place to journal about stuff but I have decided to start writing a personal journal. There are some things I've decided I want to write about, I guess more of a personal history type of thing and some of it just isn't shareable (is that a correct english word?) Anyway, I'm looking for the perfect journal to start writing in and haven't found the perfect one yet! Still searching and this week is the deadline perfect or not! I'll let you know how it goes....

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