Monday, August 11, 2008

Dana's 40th High School Reunion!

On the Dance Floor!
The Wilson group

More of the Wilson group.  Sorry, I didn't get any of the Lewis Group!

Diane and Bobbi chatting and having fun!

A Handsome group of guys--Bill, John, Dana, Tom, Bill, Wes and Ron.

Margie, Dana and Tish

Sooo, Saturday was Dana's 40th high school reunion.  Dana has always been a part of the reunion committees for each of the reunions, they do such an awesome job to make the event so much fun.  This one was no exception, it was great and so fun to see so many people.  I love that this group of grads really stay so connected after all these years!  I think the reunion was a huge success and that they will look forward to the forty-fifth!!  

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