Friday, March 20, 2009

Fun Days! Part 2

Sunday was really cloudy and drizzley and perfect for hanging out inside unless you are 6 yrs. old and 16 months old.  By about mid morning Jake and Ella were really ready to get outside.  Sage and Jer put Ella in the wagon and Jake on his scooter and off  they went to Jake's school playground.  They had a blast running around and burning tons of kid energy.  Ella was ready for lunch and a nap when they returned, and Sage and I headed out for groceries.  When we got back Jer and Jake went for Jake's favorite Subway sandwich and Ella woke up just in time to share.  We spent the afternoon playing and hanging out.  Sage bathed the kids while I got dinner ready and the plan was for Sage and Jer to head home about 5 or 5:30 PM.  Just about the time they planned to head out Ella decided she wanted to be held by Auntie and no other!!  Sage and Jer stayed until Ella hit the sack as Ella just would not let Sage out of her sight!  Thank you Sage and Jer for staying.  After Ella went to bed they were able to head home and Jake and I cuddled up the ice cream and discussed our favorite Webkinz, love, love my little chat time with Jake.  It was lights out pretty early on Sunday night--Monday morning was heading my way pretty fast!  I haven't had to get kids to school in a long time!  What an adventure Monday morning was but we did it.  I just had so darn much fun and I can't wait to do it again!  I love my grandkiddies!

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