Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Long Time No Blog!!!

Wowzer make that a double wowzer, I have not blogged in forever...I have not fallen off the the face of the earth...I'm really just pre occupied with my iPad, which by the way I adore. I must also admit that I'm hooked on Pinterest and spend way to much time browsing there. I can't blog from my iPad and it's always so cold to sit at the computer and blog so I've just slacked ALOT! This past Sunday Dana and I met up with some friends in La Mesa for lunch--we went to a really great Mex-Deli, tortas are their specialty, everything we ordered was fantastic, ate like a pig and came home still stuffed after walking around the Street Fair that was going on in La Mesa. It was a really cool Street Fair because all of the sellers had used stuff to sell. Everything from vintage clothing to antiques it was amazing! I scored a great find, a Royal Winton Chintzware sugar and creamer. A few years back I was an avid collector of Chintz (yep, when it was expensive and hard to find good pieces) I sorta stopped collecting, but I always keep my eyes open for it just in case--well just in case happened on Sunday!! Asking price was $85.00 and I got it for $75.00, it's in beautiful condition and I would say the price a few years ago was probably close to $200.00. I love it and have it out with my Easter/Spring decorations!!

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